Car Seat Headrest Car Seat Headrest - Famous Prophets (Minds)

Apologies to future me's and you's
But I can't help feeling like we're through

The ripping of the tape hurts my ears
In my years
I have never seen anyone quit quite like you do

Twin bruises on my shins
From where I kicked the back of the seat in
They meant what I went through for you
But now they’re fading, now they’re gone

These teenage hands will never touch yours again
But I remember you
You had a body
You had hands and arms and legs and et cetera

Stuck in a body
Stuck in a mind
Stuck in one body
Stuck in one mind for the rest of your life

This is the rest of your life

Why did god throw you down upon my head?
Making shock yellow light emit from my nostrils
And smoke pour from my ears and my hair stand up on end
I was fried alive and now I’m a target for next time
Leviathan was powerful and inevitable
I fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death

We gotta go back


Don’t get too impressed
You might lose your breath
Don’t predict your death
'Cause I like you the best

Don’t you fall apart
You might lose my heart
You know I love your art

The ocean washed over your grave
The ocean washed open your grave

He said, “go out and stand on the mountain before the lord
For the lord is about to pass by”
Now there was a great wind
So strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the lord
But the lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake
But the lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire
But the lord was not in the fire
And after the fire a sound of sheer silence